Hendrik Kausch, M.Sc. RWTH
Software Engineering
Department of Computer Science 3
RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstraße 55
D-52074 Aachen
+49 (241) 80-21339
Room 141, Im Süsterfeld 9
Department of Computer Science 3
RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstraße 55
D-52074 Aachen
+49 (241) 80-21339
Room 141, Im Süsterfeld 9
Field of Work
- Formal Verification of Distributed Systems
- Compositional Analysis of Systems
- Model Driven Development
- Software Architectures
- AIs in Requirement Engineering
- MontiBelle: The “MontiBelle” project aims to reduce certification costs for critical systems such as intelligent flight control or traffic management systems. By applying mathematical dataflow theory, knowledge representation, and intelligent reasoning to software engineering, the project uses the theoremprover Isabelle to perform correctness proofs or find counterexamples over system specifications. To make Isabelle more user-friendly, the project provides a high-level API and a domain-specific modeling language, e.g., SysML v2, as a front end, along with code generator to Isabelle. This project has the potential to greatly reduce the costs associated with certifying critical systems, making them more reliable and safer. An introduction to semantics of event-driven components of component & connector architectures is in [KMP+21].
- AMoBaCoD: A distributed work environment for the cooperative model-based development of future zero-emission aircraft programs is developed [KPR+22]. This facilitates the joint development of a concrete scaled Airplane carrying all important requirements and performance parameters of real aircraft development, e.g., developing the first climate-neutral AIRBUS planes in 2035.
- KIZAM: The goal of the research project “KIZAM” is to implement various methods from the field of AI into the operational process of requirements management. In the future, machine-readable, optimized, and consistent requirements for digital vehicle development will be available. For this, an AI-based formalization process is developed, that allows formal analyzes over requirement sets, e.g., consistency checking [BKK+23]. Furthermore, a theorem prover can check compliance between functional architectures and formalized requirements.
- Teaching Assistant for the “Software Engineering” Lecture
- Seminar and Practical Courses:
- Applying Formal Methods in Software Engineering
- Software Language Engineering Projects
- Model-getriebenes Systems-Engineering mit MontiCore und SPES-Methodik
- Modellgetriebene Testfallgenerierung zur Fehlererkennung basierend auf der SPES-Methodik und MontiCore
Own Publications:
[KPR+24a]In: CEAS Aeronautical Journal, Volume 15(4), Springer, Oct. 2024.
[KPR+24]In: Avionics Systems and Software Engineering Workshop of the Software Engineering 2024 - Companion Proceedings (AvioSE), pp. 119–138, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Feb. 2024.
[GKM+23]In: Models and Evolution Workshop Proceedings of the International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (ME), D. Di Ruscio, L. Lambers (Eds.), pp. 964-968, IEEE, Västerås, Sweden, Oct. 2023.
[BKK+23]In: IEEE 31st International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE), K. Schneider, F. Dalpiaz, J. Horkoff (Eds.), pp. 212-222, ACM/IEEE, Sep. 2023.
[KPR+23]In: Software Engineering 2023 Workshops, I. Groher, T. Vogel (Eds.), pp. 169-188, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Feb. 2023.
[KPR+22]In: 2022 IEEE/AIAA 41st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), IEEE, Sep. 2022.
[KMP+21]In: Aerospace Europe Conference 2021 (AEC 2021), Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS), Nov. 2021.
[KPRR21]In: Proceedings of the Software Engineering 2021 Satellite Events, S. Götz, L. Linsbauer, I. Schaefer, A. Wortmann (Eds.), Volume 2814, CEUR, Feb. 2021.
[BKR+20]Aachener Informatik Berichte, Software Engineering, Band 45, Shaker Verlag, Mar. 2020.
[KPRR20a]In: Combined Proceedings of the Workshops at Software Engineering 2020, R. Hebig, R. Heinrich (Eds.), Volume 2581, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Feb. 2020.
[KPRR20]In: AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Jan. 2020.