Dr. Thomas Heer
Software Engineering
Department of Computer Science 3
RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstraße 55
D-52074 Aachen
+49 (241) 80-21301
Room 4303
Department of Computer Science 3
RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstraße 55
D-52074 Aachen
+49 (241) 80-21301
Room 4303
[WH11]In: International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, Volume 5(4), pp. 324-343, 2011.
[Hee11]In: Aachener Informatik-Berichte, Software Engineering Band 10, ISBN ISBN 978-3-8440-0509-7, Shaker Verlag, 2011.
[HRK09]In: Enterprise Information Systems, 10th International Conference, ICEIS 2008, J. Filipe, J. Cordeiro (Eds.), pp. 175-187, Revised Selected Papers, LNBIP 19, Springer-Verlag, Barcelona, Spain, Jun. 2009.
[HAW09]In: Business Process Management Workshops of BPM 2009, Volume 43, pp. 104-115, LNBIP, 2009.
[HW09]In: Proceedings of the 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE8), 2009.
[HTT09]In: Proceedings of the 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE8), 2009.
- Flexible Multi-Dimensional Visualization of Process Enactment Data. 5th Workshop on Business Process Intelligence (BPI 09), Ulm, 07.09.2009
- Support for Enactment and Monitoring of Engineering Design Processes. Symposium on Knowledge Engineering at the 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE8), Montreal, 26.08.2009
- Integrated Modeling, Simulation and Enactment of Design Processes in Chemical Engineering. Symposium on Knowledge Engineering at the 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE8), Montreal, 26.08.2009
- Workflows in Dynamic Development Processes. 1st International Workshop on Process Management for Highly Dynamic and Pervasive Scenarios (PM4HDPS), Mailand, 01.09.2009
- Dynamisches Prozessmanagement im Anlagenbau auf Basis von Comos. 5. Symposium Informationstechnologien für Entwicklung und Produktion in der Verfahrenstechnik, Aachen, 04.04.2008
- Dynamisches Prozessmanagement im Anlagenbau auf Basis von Comos. Comos MotionX Roadshow, Düsseldorf, 06.11.2007
- Incremental Ontology Integration. 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Barcelona, 14.06.2008
- Algorithm and Tool for Ontology Integration based on Graph Rewriting. 3rd International Workshop and Symposium on Applications of Graph Transformation with Industrial Relevance (AGTIVE), Kassel, 10.10.2007
- Proseminar: Innovative Services (SS 10)
- Seminar: Software-Architekturen - Verschiedene Formen und neue Aspekte (SS 09)
- Übungen zur Vorlesung: Einführung in die Softwaretechnik (WS 08/09)
- Projektpraktikum: Workflow-Based Services for eHomes (SS 08)
- Seminar: Prozessmanagement - Ansätze, Techniken, Sprachen und Werkzeuge (WS 07/08)
- Projektpraktikum: Prozessmanagement und Dokumentenintegration (SS 07)
- Übungen zur Vorlesung: Einführung in die Softwaretechnik (WS 06/07)